I feel like I woke up this morning and a whole month had passed overnight. Your milestones are sneaking up on me and you are changing so fast. I have to admit this past month was a bit challenging as a new Mommy. You are starting to get some teeth and are very uncomfortable. You make some new noises that baffle me sometimes and I am afraid I am not doing the right things to make you comfortable, but I think we are figuring it out together. You have discovered your hands can actually grasp things and navigate them to your mouth. I love that you look at your feet, but haven't quite figured out that they are in fact attached to your chubby little legs! You really giggled for the first time this past month and I have to admit, it brought tears to my eyes and your daddy's. We try to find every opportunity to make you laugh, but you don't think every single thing we say is funny and I can't blame you on that one. I think you are pretty close to sitting up on your own. You have great head and neck control, it's only when you have been upright for a while that you start looking like a bobble head. I put you in the walker the other day and you had a blast. It's a little early and your feet just kind of dangle underneath, but it's something new and you are very receptive to new things. Daddy just put together your saucer last night. I tried you out in it today and you liked that too. There are so many activities on it and you may have been a bit overwhelmed, but once you master the spinning around we won't be able to get you out of it.
I have to admit that sometimes I wish there was something on the market I could give you that keeps you at 4 months old, but I can't wait to see what the coming months will bring. I just wish it didn't go so fast!
I love you with everything I have Macie Face!

I also forgot to mention that you turned 4 months old on the day History was made. Today, Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States.
Look at the all the new stuff you have done - all the more reason for us to see you more often - we don't want to miss so much!! You are an amazing little girl and we all love you to pieces!! (And don't let Uncle Mark fool you with his quiet - I heard him time talking to you on Saturday when he thought no one was hearing him.)
Love, Auntie Gayle, Uncle Mark, Katie and Ryan
Happy 4 months Macie! Pretty soon you will have a little cousin, and someone is going to have to show him the ropes!
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