Had my 25 week appointment today and all is well. Baby's heart rate is 136. I am measuring 23 weeks, blood pressure is really good (104/60) and I gained 4 lbs. in the last 5 weeks, which puts me at 9 lbs. total.
When I got there, they do all the "normal" things: pee in a cup, step on the dreaded scale, ask if the baby is moving, taking my vitamins, any bleeding, swelling, pain? Everything was good until I mentioned that I have been having some "strange" pains (do not continue reading if you don't want to know about my "issues") in my back end region. Now let me clarify: The pain starts in my lower back, radiates around to the front and then feels like someone is sticking a broom stick in my butt. Sorry, that's the only way to describe it. It's very painful and lasts a few seconds and then goes away. It's been happening on and off for a few weeks and was at it's worst on Halloween. I was having a hard time walking around trick or treating. So, the nurse takes down this information and a student comes in to do measurements and heart rate checks, and then proceeds to tell me to undress from the waist down. I say "why would you need to do an exam today, I am only 25 weeks". She then tells me that the physician's asst. is going to check for hemorrhoids since I am having pains. I try to explain to her that it's not
THAT kind of pain and that I don't have
THAT issue. She basically just hands me a paper cover up and leaves the room. Ok fine, go ahead and check BUTT this is not the source of the pain. While I am waiting to be violated, Macie starts having a meltdown and I can't get her calmed down. Now keep in mind, I am without clothing from the waist down and trying to figure out how to get Macie out of the stroller without losing my paper skirt. I just get her unhooked from the stroller and the physicians asst. walks in. So, I figure I can just let Macie cry it out while she does her business in my business. I look over and Macie is sliding down in the stroller. Marissa, the physicians asst. reaches over and scoots her up so she is sitting more upright- great. So....she then has me "assume the position" and she's checking my "exit only" region. Shocker, she finds NOTHING wrong. As I am sitting up, I look over and Macie is sliding out of the bottom of the stroller onto the floor. All I can say is "oh my god, she just fell out of the stroller" and try my best to get up off this table with no pants on to pick my child up off the floor. It was very slow motion and she didn't land on the floor hard, it was quite graceful and she ended up on her hands and knees- just looking a bit shocked! She was already crying so now it just got worse. Marissa picks her up off the floor and puts her on her lap to try and calm her down all the while she is still talking about my ASS with no acknowledgement that I didn't have my child properly fastened in her stroller. So Marissa is bouncing Macie on her lap to try and get her to stop crying, while I am dying from embarrassment because my kid wasn't properly strapped in her stroller and fell on the floor, and I have no pants on!!! Oh, can't forget to mention the student that was in the room the whole time that did NOTHING to help, just stood there looking like a deer in headlights.
I WILL NOT be taking Macie to anymore of my appointments in the future. I will be making my future appointments at the Downers Grove location- it's right down the street from my parents and they have offered to watch her while I go.
I always think that the appointments are going to be nothing and really quick so there's no reason that I can't bring Macie with....WRONG!
AND after all this.....still no idea why I am having the pains. Ridiculous.
Lesson of the day: Always make sure your kid is strapped in their stroller (if you have the Chicco stroller), no matter how quick you think you might be in doing something.