Dear Macie,
You are 6 months old today, and I am still trying to comprehend that fact. While I was carrying you in my tummy, six months seemed like 2 years. Now that you are here, 6 months seemed like 2 weeks. It has by far, been the most exciting, rewarding, challenging, and memorable 6 months of my life. I still stare at you all the time and am amazed that your Daddy and I made you, and are now responsible for raising you. I often wonder if I am doing all the right things, and I learn something new about you everyday. I study your adorable face all the time, it never gets old! I could stare into your huge, beautiful eyes forever. They are so expressive and seem to say everything that you are not able to right now. You seem to want to talk so badly and I think it's only a matter of time before "Dada" comes out of your mouth. You just adore your Daddy so much (can't say I blame you, I'm rather fond of him myself) and you get all Bejiggity (I'm sure I did not spell that right, but it's the perfect word for your reaction) when he walks into the room. When I am with you and call Daddy, I put the phone up to your ear and when you hear his voice you just light up and start looking around for him. It's so cute.

Your bottom two "toofies" are completely in now, and I think you are starting to get the top two. You chew on anything you can get your little hands on. You use those two bottom teeth to amuse anyone who will watch you. A few days ago, you started making this face and you stick out your two teeth, I about wet myself when you did it. Now all we have to say to you is "make your funny face" and you do it on command. You are quite the clown. You have now realized that you can, in fact, make people laugh and you love doing it.

Grandma got you to do the funny face, and she even got a picture of it! Hilarious.
You sat up on your own for a bit without any help. You are getting to be such a big girl. It's so much more fun for you to play with your toys when you can sit up. You love playing the piano.
You still need a little support, but I think it will only be a matter of time and you will be sitting all by yourself for as long as you want!
This past month you decided to switch things up a bit and you flipped from your back to your tummy. It took you all of about 2 days to master this task. Well, this is where the challenging part came in. You would go to sleep on your back and then decide to flip yourself over onto your tummy. You couldn't quite get the concept of flipping back the way you came from and you would get fussy. So, for about a week Mommy had to wake up every hour and flip you back since you weren't fond of being on your tummy at the time. Now, you immediately flip to your tummy when we put you to bed and you stay there. I was a little nervous at first since you would bury your face in the mattress, but I am slowly getting over it. I only check on you about 4 times in the night now!!!

This past month you have really taken a liking to your fruits and veggies. It is not physically possible for any of us to shovel it fast enough into your mouth. You get mad and pound your fists on the tray. When it finally reaches your mouth, you go "Mmmmmmm"!!!
This past month has been so exciting. Our lives have changed so much since you came into the world and we wouldn't change a single thing. We look forward to what the next month brings. You make everyday so special and it's amazing to know that no matter how bad our day may have been, we have you and that makes everything better.
Love you Macie Face,