Macie is 8 years old and is non verbal. She has autism. We recently were given an opportunity to get a service dog to help her. His name is Wrigley and they are amazing together. I am blogging to stop clogging up facebook with my posts. :0)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy Birthday Phil!
Macie and I just wanted to wish the best Daddy and Husband a very happy 36th birthday today. We love you so much!!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
A Christmas Miracle
Well almost....
Macie is pretty much walking now. For about 2 weeks she has been walking the perimeter of whatever room she is in, and just kind of holding on to the wall for stability. On Saturday at Phil's parents house she was letting go and walking from point A to point B. I give it a couple days before she is full out running!!! I was afraid it was never going to happen. She just needs a bit more confidence and she'll be on the go.
Hoping to get a video of it soon.
Macie is pretty much walking now. For about 2 weeks she has been walking the perimeter of whatever room she is in, and just kind of holding on to the wall for stability. On Saturday at Phil's parents house she was letting go and walking from point A to point B. I give it a couple days before she is full out running!!! I was afraid it was never going to happen. She just needs a bit more confidence and she'll be on the go.
Hoping to get a video of it soon.
The day after Christmas
The day after Christmas we went to Phil's parents house and had our Christmas celebration with his mom and dad, his brother, sister in law, and Macie's cousin Joey. It was an awful drive with the massive snow storm, but was worth it!!! I was worried that Macie was going to be burnt out from the long weekend, but she still had a lot left in her. She played with her cousin Joey, and they opened gifts together. Phil's mom and dad also outdid themselves with all the presents and food!!! Thank you to Grandma and Papa, Joe, Sam, Joey, Kim, Mike, Kayla, Dean and David for all the wonderful gifts!! We stayed overnight and drove home the next day....we were all beat (I'm sure you can tell from the last picture that Macie was exhausted from all the excitement).

Christmas Day
Christmas Day we headed over to my parents house to open gifts and have dinner. Once again, my parents outdid themselves with the presents and the food. Macie is now in that stage where she doesn't like taking a nap if she is having too much fun. This was the case over the entire weekend. She was having such a good time with her cousins that she fought taking a nap, but finally did and we are all so glad she did. Thanks Grandma and Papa for all presents and the yummy grub. My mom had a 25lb. turkey and I think Macie ate about 20lbs of it. Also, thanks to Uncle Mark, Auntie Gayle, Katie and Ryan for all the great gifts!

Christmas Eve 2009
This year we spent Christmas Eve with my side of the family. We headed over to Mike and Jackie's house for the festivities. Macie had so much fun, and she got some really great gifts!!! Thank you for having us Mike and Jackie! Thanks to everyone for all the nice gifts. I have tons of pictures, here are just a few.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
First experience in snow.
We took Macie outside today for her first time actually playing in the snow. You can pretty much see from the pictures that she wasn't a big fan. Actually....I should say that she enjoyed touching the snow and eating it. She absolutely HATES having a coat and/or mittens on. She gets upset whenever we go somewhere and have to put a coat on her. She didn't like being swaddled either, she's just like her mommy- hates to feel confined. Once Phil took one of her mittens off and she could feel the snow and play with it, she was fine. Maybe we'll try gloves!!!
Here are some pictures from today.
Thank you again Mom and Dad for the new camera.....what a difference! Our old camera sucked!

Here are some pictures from today.
Thank you again Mom and Dad for the new camera.....what a difference! Our old camera sucked!
30 Week Appointment
Went today for my 30 week check-up and everything is great. I passed my Glucose test- thank god! Baby's heart rate is 145, my blood pressure was 102/60 (really low for me), I am measuring at 30 weeks and no weight gain in the past two weeks (I think their scale is broken since my clothes are telling me otherwise).
Not much to report, and that's a good thing.
I am loving all the Christmas Cards we are getting....keep them coming!
Merry Christmas!
Not much to report, and that's a good thing.
I am loving all the Christmas Cards we are getting....keep them coming!
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Long overdue announcement....
I am a terrible wife. Phil found a job THREE WEEKS after being laid off!!! I am so proud of him. He worked his butt off getting his resume out there and networking through friends and previous co-workers. He got an amazing offer with a company called Barnes Distribution, and it's exactly what he's been looking for!!! He will have a home office and just be traveling locally (except for his trip to Clevelend at the end of Jan.). They made him a very generous offer (hard to find in this crap economy) and he is worth EVERY penny. It's about time someone compensated him for his talent and hard work.
I'm so proud of you Phil, and I feel really good about this opportunity for you.
I really enjoyed the 5 weeks that you had off recently. We definitely spent some much needed, quality, family time together! Macie was ecstatic to have Daddy home. Hated to see you leave today and get back to the grind, but know that it's necessary.
Thank you for all your hard work- I love you!!!
Congratulations on your new job!!!
I'm so proud of you Phil, and I feel really good about this opportunity for you.
I really enjoyed the 5 weeks that you had off recently. We definitely spent some much needed, quality, family time together! Macie was ecstatic to have Daddy home. Hated to see you leave today and get back to the grind, but know that it's necessary.
Thank you for all your hard work- I love you!!!
Congratulations on your new job!!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
15 Months
Macie Face-
I can't hardly believe you are 15 months old already. Time is just flying by right now. You grow and change everyday, and I wake up everyday wondering what you are going to do, or learn. You are funny, cute, charming, witty, stubborn, determined, quick tempered, independent, happy, sweet....I could go on and on. You demonstrate all these traits, and more every single day. Some of the traits make me sad because you are growing so incredibly fast, but the others make me look forward to you growing even more. Just don't do it too fast!!!
These are the things you have said/done/learned over the past three months:
*You wave bye bye and say "buh bye" while waving
*You blow kisses and make a smacking noise while doing it
*You give kisses (mostly just at bedtime and will only give them to me), it's so sweet.
*You have taken a few steps on your own, but don't think you are ever going to walk.
*You drink water out of a water bottle like you've been doing it for years. You never used a sippy (well maybe once for a few seconds, but that was it). You will ONLY drink water from a water bottle and milk from a bottle.
*You have tried every food that Mommy and Daddy eat. You love grilled cheese, pizza, peas, broccoli, apples, oranges, cookies (the organic ones are your fav.- I tried them and don't see the appeal), chicken, etc.
*You say "ki ki" (kitty kitty)
*You say "dog dog"
*You clap when you are done eating, and you remove your bib yourself. You sometimes say "all done"
*You give high fives
*You do "so big", but only when we say "how big is the Face".
*You give hugs, but only to Daddy. You crawl to him and wrap your arms around his neck/back and pat him on the shoulder, it's very cute and Daddy LOVES it!!!
Daddy has been home for the past month and you are loving it. He goes back to work on Monday and I think it's going to be hard on both of us. It's been fun having him around!!! You adore your Daddy, but between you and me....I think he's going to be more sad going back to work than you are!!!
You amaze us every single day! I can't imagine my life without you! You bring so much joy to my life and everyone around you.
I love you!!!

I can't hardly believe you are 15 months old already. Time is just flying by right now. You grow and change everyday, and I wake up everyday wondering what you are going to do, or learn. You are funny, cute, charming, witty, stubborn, determined, quick tempered, independent, happy, sweet....I could go on and on. You demonstrate all these traits, and more every single day. Some of the traits make me sad because you are growing so incredibly fast, but the others make me look forward to you growing even more. Just don't do it too fast!!!
These are the things you have said/done/learned over the past three months:
*You wave bye bye and say "buh bye" while waving
*You blow kisses and make a smacking noise while doing it
*You give kisses (mostly just at bedtime and will only give them to me), it's so sweet.
*You have taken a few steps on your own, but don't think you are ever going to walk.
*You drink water out of a water bottle like you've been doing it for years. You never used a sippy (well maybe once for a few seconds, but that was it). You will ONLY drink water from a water bottle and milk from a bottle.
*You have tried every food that Mommy and Daddy eat. You love grilled cheese, pizza, peas, broccoli, apples, oranges, cookies (the organic ones are your fav.- I tried them and don't see the appeal), chicken, etc.
*You say "ki ki" (kitty kitty)
*You say "dog dog"
*You clap when you are done eating, and you remove your bib yourself. You sometimes say "all done"
*You give high fives
*You do "so big", but only when we say "how big is the Face".
*You give hugs, but only to Daddy. You crawl to him and wrap your arms around his neck/back and pat him on the shoulder, it's very cute and Daddy LOVES it!!!
Daddy has been home for the past month and you are loving it. He goes back to work on Monday and I think it's going to be hard on both of us. It's been fun having him around!!! You adore your Daddy, but between you and me....I think he's going to be more sad going back to work than you are!!!
You amaze us every single day! I can't imagine my life without you! You bring so much joy to my life and everyone around you.
I love you!!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
28 Week appointment- Glucose Test
All is well. Had my glucose test today- yuck. They gave me the sugary drink and it was Fruit Punch flavor. It's not bad enough, but I HATE HATE HATE fruit punch. I won't have the results for a week since our insurance goes through a lab that is out of state! I am measuring right on the 28 week mark. Gained 2 lbs. in 3 weeks- not too bad, just hate seeing the scale go up! I'll attribute it to the fact that they weighed me before I got to pee, and I had 10 lbs. of clothes and boots on. Her heart rate was 146 and she was practicing her Karate moves during the exam thanks to the Fruit Punch flavored sugar drink. Blood pressure was good. I start going every two weeks now for check-ups. Getting closer.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wagon Fun!!!
It's another dark video, but still funny to listen to. She loves cruisin around with Daddy in her wagon. Although, not sure which is more amusing: listening to Phil, or Macie!
Katie's Ballet/Tap Recital
We were invited to see my niece's ballet/tap recital on Monday night. It was so cute, and she did a really great job! Macie loved watching the teacher dance around next to her!!!
I have some cute videos from the recital too, but blogger won't let me download videos right now! I have been trying to process one for about 2 hours now. Will try to share those later.

I have some cute videos from the recital too, but blogger won't let me download videos right now! I have been trying to process one for about 2 hours now. Will try to share those later.
Would someone please tell Macie........
That no one is going to take her food away from her? She doesn't seem to know this.
28 Weeks- The Final Stretch.....literally.
I am officially in the third! Not much to report except I feel soooo much larger this time around than I did with Macie. I have gained 1/2 the amount of weight compared to last time, but feel like it's double. Weird. Still feeling pretty good, just the aches and pains that go with pregnancy. My hips have really started bothering me in the middle of the night, it's hard to get comfortable. I am thankful that I am not experiencing the swelling I did with least not yet! 82 days to go, can't believe it.
Have my glucose test tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that I pass this time! I was over by 1 point last time and had to do the 3 hour test.
And, I am pretty sure that the following picture is the only one that includes my head. I absolutely hate it, but what can ya do. I'm pregnant and huge- just have to work really hard after I have her, right?
Have my glucose test tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that I pass this time! I was over by 1 point last time and had to do the 3 hour test.
And, I am pretty sure that the following picture is the only one that includes my head. I absolutely hate it, but what can ya do. I'm pregnant and huge- just have to work really hard after I have her, right?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Congratulations to the Nixon's!!! And a belated Congrats to the Weldon's!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thanksgiving Weekend
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.
We had a very nice Thanksgiving and a very busy weekend. We spent Thanksgiving with Phil's family at his parents house. They cooked enough food for 10 families and everything was so good!!! Unfortunately I didn't get one single picture while we were there. We were busy visiting and watching the kids play.
Friday we just relaxed at home and ate leftovers...yum!
Saturday we joined in a new family tradition of going to cut down a Christmas Tree. My family has done it before so we decided to join in. We went to a place in Wilmington that had acres of trees to choose from. We met my brother, sister in law, niece, nephew and my mom and dad there. You pull in and they give you a saw and a map that tells you where the different kinds of trees are. We found a spot and started our hunt. My parents found one right away, but not us!!! I kept thinking I found the perfect one, Phil would get ready to cut it down and I would change my mind. It was hard to navigate the stroller through the tress, but we managed and Macie seemed to enjoy it, she loves being outside!

Sunday we went to the Downers Grove Santa parade. This is our third year going, 2nd year with Macie. Last year the weather was miserable and we didn't last long enough to actually see the parade. This year we stayed for the whole thing. Macie seemed pretty interested in most of it. She like the high school bands playing and all the commotion.

Afterwards, my parents treated us to lunch and then we went home to decorate our tree.
It was a really great weekend filled with family and fun!!! Thanks everyone.
We had a very nice Thanksgiving and a very busy weekend. We spent Thanksgiving with Phil's family at his parents house. They cooked enough food for 10 families and everything was so good!!! Unfortunately I didn't get one single picture while we were there. We were busy visiting and watching the kids play.
Friday we just relaxed at home and ate leftovers...yum!
Saturday we joined in a new family tradition of going to cut down a Christmas Tree. My family has done it before so we decided to join in. We went to a place in Wilmington that had acres of trees to choose from. We met my brother, sister in law, niece, nephew and my mom and dad there. You pull in and they give you a saw and a map that tells you where the different kinds of trees are. We found a spot and started our hunt. My parents found one right away, but not us!!! I kept thinking I found the perfect one, Phil would get ready to cut it down and I would change my mind. It was hard to navigate the stroller through the tress, but we managed and Macie seemed to enjoy it, she loves being outside!

Sunday we went to the Downers Grove Santa parade. This is our third year going, 2nd year with Macie. Last year the weather was miserable and we didn't last long enough to actually see the parade. This year we stayed for the whole thing. Macie seemed pretty interested in most of it. She like the high school bands playing and all the commotion.
Afterwards, my parents treated us to lunch and then we went home to decorate our tree.
It was a really great weekend filled with family and fun!!! Thanks everyone.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Congratulations to the Meggetts
They welcomed baby girl Abigail Paige Meggett today, 7lbs 9 oz, and 20" long.
We can't wait to see pictures.
We can't wait to see pictures.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Oh my gosh......
The 100 day countdown. We are so much less prepared this time around. The room still needs painting, crib needs assembling, need new cushions for the glider, and the room is loaded with crap that we need to find a home for. I think panic mode is setting in!!!
I can't help but keep thinking if I have her the same time I had Macie, that means about 80 days left, not 100!!!
I need to stop thinking and go to bed!
I can't help but keep thinking if I have her the same time I had Macie, that means about 80 days left, not 100!!!
I need to stop thinking and go to bed!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
You're going to check what? BUTT why?
Had my 25 week appointment today and all is well. Baby's heart rate is 136. I am measuring 23 weeks, blood pressure is really good (104/60) and I gained 4 lbs. in the last 5 weeks, which puts me at 9 lbs. total.
When I got there, they do all the "normal" things: pee in a cup, step on the dreaded scale, ask if the baby is moving, taking my vitamins, any bleeding, swelling, pain? Everything was good until I mentioned that I have been having some "strange" pains (do not continue reading if you don't want to know about my "issues") in my back end region. Now let me clarify: The pain starts in my lower back, radiates around to the front and then feels like someone is sticking a broom stick in my butt. Sorry, that's the only way to describe it. It's very painful and lasts a few seconds and then goes away. It's been happening on and off for a few weeks and was at it's worst on Halloween. I was having a hard time walking around trick or treating. So, the nurse takes down this information and a student comes in to do measurements and heart rate checks, and then proceeds to tell me to undress from the waist down. I say "why would you need to do an exam today, I am only 25 weeks". She then tells me that the physician's asst. is going to check for hemorrhoids since I am having pains. I try to explain to her that it's not THAT kind of pain and that I don't have THAT issue. She basically just hands me a paper cover up and leaves the room. Ok fine, go ahead and check BUTT this is not the source of the pain. While I am waiting to be violated, Macie starts having a meltdown and I can't get her calmed down. Now keep in mind, I am without clothing from the waist down and trying to figure out how to get Macie out of the stroller without losing my paper skirt. I just get her unhooked from the stroller and the physicians asst. walks in. So, I figure I can just let Macie cry it out while she does her business in my business. I look over and Macie is sliding down in the stroller. Marissa, the physicians asst. reaches over and scoots her up so she is sitting more upright- great. So....she then has me "assume the position" and she's checking my "exit only" region. Shocker, she finds NOTHING wrong. As I am sitting up, I look over and Macie is sliding out of the bottom of the stroller onto the floor. All I can say is "oh my god, she just fell out of the stroller" and try my best to get up off this table with no pants on to pick my child up off the floor. It was very slow motion and she didn't land on the floor hard, it was quite graceful and she ended up on her hands and knees- just looking a bit shocked! She was already crying so now it just got worse. Marissa picks her up off the floor and puts her on her lap to try and calm her down all the while she is still talking about my ASS with no acknowledgement that I didn't have my child properly fastened in her stroller. So Marissa is bouncing Macie on her lap to try and get her to stop crying, while I am dying from embarrassment because my kid wasn't properly strapped in her stroller and fell on the floor, and I have no pants on!!! Oh, can't forget to mention the student that was in the room the whole time that did NOTHING to help, just stood there looking like a deer in headlights.
I WILL NOT be taking Macie to anymore of my appointments in the future. I will be making my future appointments at the Downers Grove location- it's right down the street from my parents and they have offered to watch her while I go.
I always think that the appointments are going to be nothing and really quick so there's no reason that I can't bring Macie with....WRONG!
AND after all this.....still no idea why I am having the pains. Ridiculous.
Lesson of the day: Always make sure your kid is strapped in their stroller (if you have the Chicco stroller), no matter how quick you think you might be in doing something.
When I got there, they do all the "normal" things: pee in a cup, step on the dreaded scale, ask if the baby is moving, taking my vitamins, any bleeding, swelling, pain? Everything was good until I mentioned that I have been having some "strange" pains (do not continue reading if you don't want to know about my "issues") in my back end region. Now let me clarify: The pain starts in my lower back, radiates around to the front and then feels like someone is sticking a broom stick in my butt. Sorry, that's the only way to describe it. It's very painful and lasts a few seconds and then goes away. It's been happening on and off for a few weeks and was at it's worst on Halloween. I was having a hard time walking around trick or treating. So, the nurse takes down this information and a student comes in to do measurements and heart rate checks, and then proceeds to tell me to undress from the waist down. I say "why would you need to do an exam today, I am only 25 weeks". She then tells me that the physician's asst. is going to check for hemorrhoids since I am having pains. I try to explain to her that it's not THAT kind of pain and that I don't have THAT issue. She basically just hands me a paper cover up and leaves the room. Ok fine, go ahead and check BUTT this is not the source of the pain. While I am waiting to be violated, Macie starts having a meltdown and I can't get her calmed down. Now keep in mind, I am without clothing from the waist down and trying to figure out how to get Macie out of the stroller without losing my paper skirt. I just get her unhooked from the stroller and the physicians asst. walks in. So, I figure I can just let Macie cry it out while she does her business in my business. I look over and Macie is sliding down in the stroller. Marissa, the physicians asst. reaches over and scoots her up so she is sitting more upright- great. So....she then has me "assume the position" and she's checking my "exit only" region. Shocker, she finds NOTHING wrong. As I am sitting up, I look over and Macie is sliding out of the bottom of the stroller onto the floor. All I can say is "oh my god, she just fell out of the stroller" and try my best to get up off this table with no pants on to pick my child up off the floor. It was very slow motion and she didn't land on the floor hard, it was quite graceful and she ended up on her hands and knees- just looking a bit shocked! She was already crying so now it just got worse. Marissa picks her up off the floor and puts her on her lap to try and calm her down all the while she is still talking about my ASS with no acknowledgement that I didn't have my child properly fastened in her stroller. So Marissa is bouncing Macie on her lap to try and get her to stop crying, while I am dying from embarrassment because my kid wasn't properly strapped in her stroller and fell on the floor, and I have no pants on!!! Oh, can't forget to mention the student that was in the room the whole time that did NOTHING to help, just stood there looking like a deer in headlights.
I WILL NOT be taking Macie to anymore of my appointments in the future. I will be making my future appointments at the Downers Grove location- it's right down the street from my parents and they have offered to watch her while I go.
I always think that the appointments are going to be nothing and really quick so there's no reason that I can't bring Macie with....WRONG!
AND after all this.....still no idea why I am having the pains. Ridiculous.
Lesson of the day: Always make sure your kid is strapped in their stroller (if you have the Chicco stroller), no matter how quick you think you might be in doing something.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Clean your mirror FATTY!!!

24 weeks. Nothing to report since I don't go to the Dr. until Tuesday. Guessing the next step is talking to me about weight gain, and then the glucose test. My scale only says a few lbs., but sure doesn't feel/look like it.....
On the Macie front....
Still can't get her to drink out of a sippy and she's still not walking. She did take a few unassisted steps the other night and I missed it.
She's as adorable as ever though!!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Kisses and Sharing
While I was getting ready to leave my parents house this morning, I went to put Macie down for her nap. I always say "give Mommy kisses", and she doesn't. Well today she actually kissed me back. It was a full out, open mouth, wet kiss and it was the sweetest thing EVER!!! It wasn't a fluke either because she has done it again. My heart melted. It's so amazing how the small things mean so much.
She has also learned a little about the rules, or should I say RULE of not try to share your cookie with the, I will eat anything, and will sit here and eat every morsel you drop on the floor, Beagle. She has been sharing her food lately with Otis and thinks it's really funny that he licks her hand. Tonight she reached down with her cookie and he snatched it out of her hand. She had a major meltdown. I gave her another one and explained to her that she can't let Otis have her cookies (I'm sure she really understood too-yeah right). She immediately reached over the side of her highchair with the cookie and it was gone again, in 2.2 seconds. Another meltdown. The only one that learned anything here was me! Let Otis outside while Macie eats a cookie. Dumb Mommy.
She has also learned a little about the rules, or should I say RULE of not try to share your cookie with the, I will eat anything, and will sit here and eat every morsel you drop on the floor, Beagle. She has been sharing her food lately with Otis and thinks it's really funny that he licks her hand. Tonight she reached down with her cookie and he snatched it out of her hand. She had a major meltdown. I gave her another one and explained to her that she can't let Otis have her cookies (I'm sure she really understood too-yeah right). She immediately reached over the side of her highchair with the cookie and it was gone again, in 2.2 seconds. Another meltdown. The only one that learned anything here was me! Let Otis outside while Macie eats a cookie. Dumb Mommy.
Monday, November 2, 2009

We had a great Halloween this year. Last year Macie was only just over a month old and slept the whole time!!! This year she went as the cutest little cuddly bunny, and was able to trick or treat with her cousins.
Phil's parents came over to our house and then we headed over to my parents house. We all went out around their neighborhood and went trick or treating. I grew up trick or treating every single year in this neighborhood and it was so nice to have Macie experience this too! My "oldest" friend Katie and I used to go out for hours and gather as much candy as possible. Her parents still live a few houses from my parents so that's always one of our stops on Halloween. Brings back so many great memories!!!
After trick or treating we headed back to my parents house for some pizza and to hang out some more. It was like Christmas for Macie. She got a Little People Bus from Grandma and Papa Scimeca, it plays music and she loves it. Grandma and Papa Wilson got her a basket of goodies which included a new favorite toy that she can take star shaped rings off and on and it plays music. Uncle Mark, Auntie Gayle, Katie and Ryan also got her a basket of goodies with a cute cuddly bear dressed as a cute!
Katie, Colin and Ashton stopped by for a visit. Macie got to know her future boyfriend a little better. They were so cute sitting on the couch together and then Macie had enough and started a meltdown.
Macie was beat after the long day, but she had such a good time. Can't say she was too thrilled about the head part to the costume, but it was so cute on her. Have quite a few pictures where it's not even on. She would get mad and pull it off.
Thanks for a great Halloween Mom and Dad!!!
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